Custom PC Building

I can supply new custom built computer systems, tailored to your home, small business and gaming requirements. 

Home office and Internet system starting from $999.00 built and delivered. 

Small Business systems starting from $1200.00 delivered.

Basic gaming PC starting from $1350.00

For further information, please use the contact form located on the home and services pages. Otherwise give me a call and I will be more than happy to assist you. 


BASIC HOME OFFICE SYSTEM. Inc.Windows 11 pre installed. Case & PSU 500w,, Dual core CPU, 8GB Ram and fast 500GB  pcie storage. 

Prices starting from $999.00

Virus and Malware Removal 

I offer a comprehensive Virus and Malware removal service, along with email scam prevention and advice. If you receive a suspicious SMS message, I can provide advice or help with the right course of action to take.